Own Up. Who’s Keeping Hold of the Best Whelk Recipe in the World?

If you’re looking for a good seafood recipe, you’ll come across plenty featuring Sea Bass fillets, or Prawns and pasta or Brown Crab linguine and the like. However, what you’re unlikely to find is a good seafood recipe for Whelks. And for me personally, that’s a problem.

Every Wednesday I think of Whelks. I don’t really know why this happens, but it does. Now, I love seafood. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have spent hours creating this beautiful website. I enjoy cooking all manner of dishes, Prawns and pasta, seafood paella, Sprats – genuinely, the list goes on and on. The problem is, I don’t enjoy cooking Whelks.

I need Whelk help

Anyway, this Whelk Wednesday I’ve decided it’s time to ask for help. You see, I just can’t grow to like Whelks no matter what I try. And I really do try.

Last weekend, I spent some 20 minutes talking to my fishmonger about Whelks. She insisted the best way to cook Whelks was to pop them in a pan of cold, heavily salted water, bring to a boil and then simmer for 20 minutes.

This is great advice, but the week before, in the very same fishmongers, the chap in front of me in the queue bought a kilo of Whelks. I caught up with him outside. “Pop them in a pan of cold, heavily salted water,” he said. “Bring to a boil and then simmer for 30 minutes – or maybe a bit a longer”.

So, here we have two near-identical recipes but for differing cooking durations. What’s more, I’ve tried both versions – and neither do it for me.

See also  Why isn’t flounder more popular?
Cooked and picked Whelk meat
Cooked and picked Whelk meat

Whelks – the donor kebab of Victorian times

Whelks used to be very popular. Indeed, this article from the Independent describes Whelks as the Victorian equivalent of the donor kebab, given their then association with drinkers.

The article goes on to say, “Served at seaside counters in polystyrene pots, with toxic levels of vinegar and more bite than a dog chew, it wasn’t a question of “how am I going to eat this?” more a case of “when will my parents turn their backs so I can spit it out?”

Never make Whelk croquettes

Strangely, it is this disparaging attitude towards Whelks that makes me even more determined to discover the best way to cook, and enjoy the humble Whelk.

It’s almost become an obsession. To the point where I made a terrible mistake.

In search of the best Whelk recipe ever I hit on the idea of Whelk croquettes. This was a low point.

You won’t be seeing Whelk croquettes on any menu any time soon.

Who has the best Whelk recipe ever?

As a result of my failed endeavours, yet undiminished passion for discovering a good Whelk recipe, I am, on this fine Whelk Wednesday asking for help.

Somebody out there knows the best Whelk recipe ever. Please send it to us!

Do you have the best Whelk Recipe in the World? #whelkwednesday