Last updated: 1 March, 2025 @ 10:43
A new digital cookbook featuring sustainable seafood recipes by award-winning chefs from around the world has been launched by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC).
The ‘Ocean Cookbook’ showcases 12 globally sourced seafood recipes from sustainable fishermen and award-winning chefs, including the UK’s Mitch Tonks.
Using seafood from MSC certified fisheries, the aim of the book is to highlight how easy it is to cook healthy, sustainable seafood dishes at home.
“When you choose fish with the blue MSC ecolabel on, you can be absolutely sure where it has come from,” said Mitch Tonks, MSC chef ambassador & restaurateur.
“Not only that, you are also protecting communities, livelihoods and the traditions of fishermen all around the world.
“Most importantly, making a sustainable choice means that we have fish for the future, and we all want that – right?,” he said.
Other recipes in the book include Asian-style Mussels from Germany’s Jan Schot, Cantabrian Anchovy Pasta with red pepper pesto from Italy’s Lello Palomba, and Haddock with fennel, lemon and black olives, from Mitch Tonks.

Images by renowned food photographer David Loftus also feature in the book. “This goes way beyond food. It’s about the future of our Ocean. We need to step up to the plate right now… or we’re in deep water.
“It meant so much to work with the offerings of these dedicated fishers and amazing chefs because they are showing how buying sustainably caught seafood helps to create truly sustainable seas,” he said.
The Marine Stewardship Council
The MSC is an international non-profit organisation which sets globally recognised standards for sustainable fishing and the seafood supply chain.
George Clark, MSC UK & Ireland programme director, said: “Our online cookbook is a unique opportunity for the fisher who harvest the 12 sustainable species to work with the chefs who create these delicious dishes.
“Together they highlight how easy it is to rustle up healthy, sustainable fish and seafood dishes to make at home.
“We’re proud to work with people from around the world who are passionate about sustainable ingredients and believe this is a great chance for consumers to make better choices for the health of our oceans going into 2022.”

The MSC ecolabel on a seafood product means it comes from a wild-catch fishery which has been independently certified to the MSC’s science-based standard for sustainable fishing.
Fisheries representing more than 19% of the world’s wild marine catch are engaged in the MSC’s certification programme and more than 20,000 different MSC labelled products are available on shelves across the globe
The ‘Ocean Cookbook’ is entirely free and can be viewed at the MSC website.