Fish Face Seafood blog
Spurdog and chips…?
Seafish, the public body tasked with supporting the UK seafood sector, has released its 10 health benefits of eating seafood.
10 benefits of eating seafood
Seafish, the public body tasked with supporting the UK seafood sector, has released its 10 health benefits of eating seafood.
Big bluefin sells for £1m
A motorbike-sized bluefin tuna has sold for £1m at Tokyo’s annual new year auction.
Researchers: Eat more UK fish!
Scientists are calling for a ‘big push’ to encourage people to eat more local seafood to help improve the health of the public in the UK.
Campaign launched for greater seafood transparency
A leading not-for-profit ocean conservation organisation is calling for greater transparency for seafood consumers in the European Union.
January in season spotlight: sprat
A good selection of North Sea fish is in season in January, including cod, coley and whiting – their firm flesh ideal for a winter warming stew (or three). January is also…
December in season spotlight: whiting
Distributed all around the UK, from Shetland to Penzance, the whiting is the most common of all cod species found in many inshore waters.
Red mullet… or red herring?
Have you ever noticed that your red mullet sometimes taste a little, well, different? If so, there may well be a very good reason for that.
Seafood we love: Moules marinière
The most famous of all mussel dishes, moules marinière is a timeless classic that isn’t just easy to cook, but is also bursting with superb seaside scented flavours.
Event showcases underused seafood species
Members of Ireland’s fishing sector, seafood processors and retailers gathered last month for an event showcasing the potential of skate, spurdog and red gurnard.
November in season spotlight: mussels
Plentiful, affordable, easy to cook – and most importantly, delicious – mussels start coming into their very best from early November.
Report: fishing the world’s most dangerous job
Ever wonder about the men and women out in all hours – and all conditions – behind that lovely piece of cod, hake, turbot, monkfish… on your plate?