The most famous of all mussel dishes, moules marinière is a timeless classic that isn’t just easy to cook, but is also bursting with superb seaside scented flavours.

The most famous of all mussel dishes, moules marinière is a timeless classic that isn’t just easy to cook, but is also bursting with superb seaside scented flavours.
With winter just around the corner and mussels approaching their very best, the ideal dish to kick off the new season is mouclade, a classic French recipe that’s rich, creamy, and full of flavour.
Early September sees wild gilthead bream appearing at our fishmongers down here on the south coast, which makes it the ideal time to cook one of our favourite bream recipes – Rick Stein’s Baked whole bream with potatoes.
Being an unfashionable fish, it can be tricky sometimes to find a recipe for the humble grey mullet – but in Sayyadieh (Fishermen’s Dish) from the cookbook Falastin, we’ve found a humdinger.