I sometimes get the impression that some people eat lobster to be seen eating lobster. Don’t get me wrong, the Lobster is a magnificent creature, but it’s also become a symbol of wealth. I bet there are more photos on Instagram of lobsters than any other type of seafood. To me, the brown crab is just as good as a lobster. It’s also, for the moment at least, a lot more affordable. And there are plenty of brown crab recipes!

Dorset Brown Crab

I’m sure the crabmen of Devon, Cornwall, Cromer and elsewhere, will disagree but I’m going to claim that Dorset Brown Crab is the best in the world. The brown crab is a formidable looking thing and whatever you do, make sure you keep your fingers away from those immensely powerful claws.

When buying brown crab it’s always best to buy live. The difference in taste and texture between a ready-cooked and freshly-cooked crab is surprisingly noticeable. If possible, try and hold the crab in your hand before buying. It should feel heavy for its size.

Storing your Brown Crab

Wrap your brown crab in damp newspaper and place upside down in the salad drawer of your fridge. Just watch your fingers when reaching for the cucumber.

Respect your Brown Crab

I admit, I do have a problem despatching crabs (or anything for that matter). It’s suggested that the quickest way to kill a brown crab is to lift its tail and drive a skewer in. Quickest way or not, I just can’t bring myself to do that.  

Instead, I fill a big pot with cold water, pop the crab in, stick the lid on and set a very low flame. This approach slowly drives the oxygen from the water, meaning the crab will fall into a sleepy daze before succumbing.

To cook the crab I’ll then turn up the heat, and a good whack of salt and gently boil for no more than ten minutes.

Neither ending is pleasant, but is any? I do offer my thanks, and best wishes for the crab’s journey to the afterlife. I also think of the many creatures that lost their lives to her huge claws. Of course, I’m fully aware that all of this is for my own benefit, to help justify killing the crab. 

Picking the meat

Once cooled, the meat can then be picked. It really is worth the effort learning how to do this. Speaking from experience, the more you do it, the better you’ll get. My first crab took about an hour to pick. Now, I’d say it’s about ten minutes.

Of course, the added bonus in doing all of this yourself is that firstly, you’ll get to know your way around a crab, and secondly you’ll get both the brown and white meat.

Here’s a great video tutorial that will help you get the hang of things.

Brown Crab Recipes

You can do loads with both brown and white crab meat. My favourite recipe for brown meat – which we’ve recreated here – is to simply mix it with some mayonnaise, chopped tarragon, a dash of tabasco, salt, pepper and a squeeze of lime, and serve on toast. Can’t beat it.

With the white meat I normally cook crab linguine, which is simple and wonderful, but I’d have to admit my absolute favourite is Singapore chilli crab.

Both recipes are from Rick Stein’s Seafood – which is absolutely worth adding to your cookbook collection. You can get yourself a copy at Amazon.


Avoid buying brown crab from January to March when the crabs are breeding. Brown crab is at its best from April to November.


Read more on the latest Marine Conservation Society Good Fish Guide ratings.