Spider crab

Last updated: 1 March, 2025 @ 10:43

Spindly legs, reaching claws, spikey shell – admittedly, the spider crab looks like something nightmares are made of. However, the spider crab is highly revered in France and Spain – and it should be here too.

Ideal for crab linguine

The spider crab, sometimes known as the Cornish king crab (you can read more about that here) yields slightly less meat than the brown crab.

The meat it does yield however is a little sweeter than that of the brown crab, making it ideal for a summertime crab linguine.

Buying and storing your spider crab

When buying, the crab should feel heavy in your hand. Also check for missing legs/claws.

Spider crab is best bought live, however with this comes responsibility.

The crab must be treated with respect, and if you’re not cooking the crab for a few hours then wrap it in damp newspaper and place it in the bottom section of your fridge (the salad drawer is ideal – if big enough).

Preparing your spider crab

Nobody likes this bit. When it comes to killing your spider crab it’s a case of doing your research. There’s some really good advice online, such as this article by Seafood Cornwall (which is also a very good read), and this YouTube video by GSPseafishing – which may be unpleasant viewing for some.

Cooking your spider crab meat

Cooking a spider crab is a straightforward process. Simply bring a large pan of salted water to the boil, then place your crab into it.

Bring back to the boil, turn the heat down a touch and then simmer for 15-20 minutes (depending on the size of the crab of course). Leave to cool.

Once cool enough to handle you can start picking the meat.

Spider crab for sale at a market in France.
Spider crab for sale at a market in France.

Picking your spider crab meat

Picking crab meat is a fiddly job, but the key is not to rush things. In this handy YouTube video Cornish fishmonger Gareth Horner provides some helpful tips.

Spider crab recipes

Basque style baked spider crab is a fantastic dish. This recipe from Basco Fine Foods is one of the best.

However, for us it has to be spider crab linguine – and not only that, it has to be this Rick Stein spider crab linguine.


Spider crab is increasingly common in southern UK waters – especially to the south west and Wales.

The Cornwall Good Seafood Guide suggests avoiding spider crab between December and January.


Read more on the latest Marine Conservation Society Good Fish Guide ratings.