Last updated: 1 March, 2025 @ 10:43
Members of Ireland’s fishing sector, seafood processors and retailers gathered last month for an event showcasing the potential of skate, spurdog and red gurnard.
Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM), Ireland’s Seafood Development Agency and the Irish South and East Fish Producers’ Organisation hosted the industry event at Grow HQ, an organic café in Waterford.
Grow HQ chef, JB Dubois created a sample of dishes for industry attending the event including fish cakes made with rock salmon, cured gurnard gravadlax, ray bouillabaisse, pan roast gurnard tandoori, dogfish broth and fish pie made with ray.
‘These are stunning fish’
Brendan Leonard, fisherman and vessel owner, welcomed the event describing it as a ‘first step in the journey’.
“These are stunning fish, there’s no doubt about it. For one, I’m certain my children would demolish a fish pie made with any of these fish,” he said.
“However, there’s a lot of work to be done to re-educate people of their potential.”
Brian McCullagh, managing director, Morgan’s Fine Fish, described the event as ‘exceptional with an impressive array of dishes prepared on the night, showing the potential for these proteins’.
Further reading
Read the Fish Face Seafood Blog guide to gurnard.
Alternatively, find out more about skate in our beginner’s guide: What are skate wings?
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