Growing awareness of ecolabel campaign

Hake in a fishbox at market

Last updated: 1 October, 2024 @ 11:42

More than half of seafood consumers in the UK now recognise the Marine Stewardship Council’s (MSC) blue ecolabel campaign.

The label is found on retail products and in restaurants to help identify fish and seafood which has been caught using sustainable methods.

The MSC says that the accreditation is only awarded to well-managed fisheries which meet the organisation’s ‘independently verified standards for sustainable seafood production’.

Increasing recognition of the MSC blue ecolabel

A recent survey by the MSC and GlobeScan revealed that 54% of respondents who purchased fish or seafood in the two months prior to being surveyed said they had seen the blue ecolabel, either often or occasionally.  

The figure is an increase of 3% from the previous survey in 2022, and a rise of 10% from when the research was first undertaken in 2016.

Survey reveals rising concerns about ocean health

The survey also revealed that anxiety about the state of the world’s oceans among seafood consumers was on the rise, with 94% of respondents saying they were worried – up from 91% in 2022.

Forty-two percent said they didn’t think their favourite seafood would be available in 20 years’ time, a steep rise from 33% in 2022.

For those aged 18 to 34, the figure is 52%, which the MSC says shows ‘greater concerns among younger people’.

Consumers are also even more worried than they were in 2022 about overfishing – with 51% voicing concerns, up from 48% in 2022.  

Consumer willingness to support sustainable fishing

George Clark, MSC UK and Ireland programme director, said: “It’s clear from our latest survey that while consumers are troubled by the state of the oceans, they absolutely recognise the critical role both sustainable fishing and respected, independent bodies like the MSC can play in safeguarding seafood populations for future generations. 

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“The survey also highlights a genuine consumer willingness to buy and eat more seafood, when given the reassurance that it’s been caught sustainably.

“Luckily, there are plenty of certified fisheries in both the UK and across the globe, and we want to see more,” he said.

“With increasing recognition of the blue MSC ecolabel the opportunity is there for fishing communities, the supply chain and retailers to meet consumer demand for certified sustainable seafood and encourage wider consumption.”

MSC-certified fisheries

More information about UK and Irish MSC-certified fisheries is available on the MSC website.