Isn’t it boring eating the same old fish all the time? Cod this, salmon that, blah, blah, blah. We’re an island, we’re surrounded by water and in the fish in UK waters are some of the most magnificent in the world.
Within UK waters we have the punk-looking John Dory, the glum Gurnard, the simple Sprat and even the venomous weever.
Listed below is a selection of species you’re likely to find at your local fishmonger.
Of course, you’ll need to keep an eye on seasonal availability and the latest MCS sustainability ratings, but go for it – try and cook something a little different.
View fish in UK waters

If you’re looking for some inspiration check out a few of Fish Face’s book reviews to get some expert advice from the likes of Keith Floyd, Mitch Tonks and the great Rick Stein – they all know a thing or two about magnificent fish!