Updated: 21 January, 2025 @ 15:31

Hake is one of the most underrated fish on your fishmonger’s slab. That’s if you can find it on your fishmonger’s slab. Most hake caught in UK waters is exported to France and Spain, but it is steadily becoming more popular with UK buyers – which is great, because hake is a fine fish, and there are some wonderful hake recipes about (scroll down and discover our favourites).

Despite its fearsome face and sharp teeth, the flesh of the hake is strangely soft and delicate, so treat it with care and cold hands (seriously).

As with all members of the cod family, hake is a very versatile fish and can be grilled, fried, baked, poached and even salted.

We love it served with Poole clams in a green sauce. Mitch Tonks’ Fish has a great recipe for such a dish.

Good Fish Guide Best Choice to Buy

In October 2021, European hake was upgraded to green-rated by the Marine Conservations Society’s (MSC) Good Fish Guide. The rating means that this magnificent fish is now a Best Choice to Buy option.

The upgrade is a particular success story for European hake following the introduction of the hake recovery plan back in the late 1990s.

Under the plan, fishing for hake was strictly controlled for many years. Owing to this managed approach to fishing for hake, stock levels have now recovered.

The current rating for hake can be found on the MSC’s Good Fish Guide.


Fortunately for those inexperienced with the knife, hake is easy to prepare, and can be served whole, filleted or cut into steaks.

Of course, if you’re a little nervous you can always ask your fishmonger to prepare your hake. Try and keep an eye on how they do it. We’ve learnt many a thing from watching, and talking, to fishmongers.

Hake recipes

Rick Stein’s Spain has some great hake recipes. Galician hake on a braise of potatoes, garlic, tomato and Onion is a stunner, as is Hake with clams, asparagus, peas and parsley. Our own favourite however is crisp fried hake in garlic oil with a dressed green salad.

We have of course written a lovely spectacular review of Rick Stein’s Spain.

The book is also available to buy on Amazon – and it really is a very, very good book for us seafood fans.

Some of our other favourite recipes for hake include:


As always, avoid any fish during its spawning season. For hake, that’s February to July.


Read more on the latest Marine Conservation Society Good Fish Guide ratings.