Last updated: 1 March, 2025 @ 10:43

The red mullet is a beautiful looking fish. In fact, both red mullets are beautiful looking fish. When we say both red mullets, we do of course mean goatfish. Confused yet? The good news is, there are plenty of red mullet recipes to help you discover what on earth is going on (scroll down and discover our favourite red mullet recipes).

Like any good barber working during the 1970s, it’s important to know your mullets. The red mullets, Mullus barbatus and Mullus surmuletus are two species of goatfish.

Only the Mullus surmuletus used to found in British waters. However, the Mullus barbatus is becoming increasingly common off southern and southwest England.

Both red mullets are similar in appearance, but more commonly found red mullet has yellow bands running along its sides. These bands fade once the fish dies, which is a useful indicator of how fresh your red mullet really is.

Equipped with your new mullet knowledge you’re now ready to fully appreciate this wonderful fish. And it really is a wonderful fish. It tastes quite unlike any other fish, and for us here at Fish Face Seafood Blog, we think it’s a little like langoustine.


It’s an easy fish to prepare, scale it (which you can gently do with your fingertips), gut it, rinse it and you’re ready to go. Do however keep hold of the liver, which is a delicacy.

Sometimes you’ll see the red mullet referred to as the ‘Woodcock of the Sea’, this is because the real Woodcock, the bird version, is often cooked with its liver in place.

Red mullet recipes

For me, the red mullet is best either pan-fried or grilled. That way, the skin becomes beautifully crisp.

However, there are plenty of red mullet recipes and it’s a fish that is also good barbecued, cooked en papilliote or filleted and skinned for use in stews and soups.

In Rick Stein’s Mediterranean Escape there’s a lovely recipe for Fried red mullet with a hot dressing of olive oil, spring onions, garlic and tarragon. The finished dish looks great, smells great, and of course, tastes great.

Mediterranean Escape is available to buy at Amazon. It’s a great book to own!

Some of our other favourite recipes for red mullet include:


Avoid buying red mullet from May to July, the fish’s spawning season.


Read more on the latest Marine Conservation Society Good Fish Guide ratings.