Ah the beautiful Langoustine! (Otherwise known as the Dublin Bay Prawn or Norwegian Lobster). Buy live if you can and this stunningly simple Langoustine recipe shall reward you.

Simple Langoustines with Homemade Mayonnaise
Langoustines are great. They're so great, we've dedicated a whole page to the wonderful Langoustine.
When we're not writing about Langoustines, we're making this super simple recipe. The homemade mayonnaise really is worth the effort. Delicious.
For us, it's the only way to eat Langoustine 😍
For the mayonnaise
Let's cook!
For the magical mayonnaise
Make sure you have a bowl, a spoon and an egg at room temperature. This is super important.
Drop a teaspoon of Dijon mustard along with the egg yolk into your bowl. Season with a little salt and gently mix together.
Once combined, add one or two drops of olive oil.
From this point on, do not stop stirring. Keep a steady pace, but there’s no need to go berserk.
Add the olive oil drop by drop to begin with, then more gradually as the mayonnaise starts to come together.
Again, keep the pace nice and steady. Continue until you’ve used all the oil.
Taste and season if necessary. If the mayo tastes too much of oil, add a squeeze of lemon.
And there it is - your very own homemade marvellous mayonnaise!
For the lovely Langoustine
Fill a big pan with cold water and bring to the boil. Add a good whack of salt.
Place your Langoustines carefully into the boiling water.
Just as the water returns to the boil, kill the heat and remove the Langoustines from the pan.
TIP: Unlike the Lobster, Langoustines are naturally pink in colour. Unless stated, you will always need to cook Langoustines before eating. -
To serve
Let the Langoustines cool a touch before serving with your lovely homemade mayo and a squeeze of lemon.
We like to have a few chunks of good bread on hand to mop up any leftover mayonnaise.
Perfect 🤩