I’m super lucky. From my window I can see the best cockle-beds in the world. Admittedly, I can only just see them – but that’s enough for me.

Poole Harbour is home to some wonderful shellfish. We have cockles, clams, mussels, whelks, periwinkles, razor clams and native and Pacific oysters.

If the tides are right I can nip down to the harbour in my lunch break, grab a handful of clams and muster up the best spaghetti alle vongole. Like I say, I’m super lucky.

Poole shellfish

Poole Harbour was also the first clam & cockle fishery in the world to simultaneously be named as a MSC certified sustainable fishery and certified under the Seafresh Responsible Fishing scheme.

The good news is, Poole shellfish can now be found in most parts of the country. Of course, I’m going to say Poole shellfish is the best – but being an island we are surrounded by shellfish. Go into any decent fishmonger and you’ll find shellfish, often locally caught.

If you’re feeling adventurous you can go and harvest your own. However, like my mum used to say to me, show a bit of sense.

Check the tides, check if the beds are dangerous and check water quality. Also, make sure to observe local rules and regulations. And don’t get greedy – never take more than you need. A handful is often enough.

Periwinkles (coming soon)