What could be easier than an oyster with a dash of lemon or a drop or two of tabasco? Nothing, is the answer. They’re also great with a healthy splash of lime or a mignonette (a shallot vinaigrette). The whole ‘champagne and oysters’ thing doesn’t really appeal to me. There are many oyster recipes, but I prefer to have them with a beer – but that beer must be really, really cold.

Oyster recipes

There’s an interesting oyster recipe that’s worth a try from Kay Plunkett-Hogge’s, Aperitivo. Oysters with an Italian mignonette is a nice twist on a classic.

Of course, oysters needn’t be eaten cold. Oysters can be grilled, baked, poached, fried in tempura….They appear in pies and stews and stuffing and loaves. There really are plenty of options when it comes to oyster recipes.

Jane Grigson’s Fish has recipes for oyster Rockefeller, oyster omelette and oysters in a white wine sauce, amongst others. And in J. Sheekey Fish, there’s a cracker for watercress soup with poached oyster. All three books are available to buy at Amazon.

The great man

But I’ll leave the last word on oyster recipes to the late, great Keith Floyd. ‘The very best oysters that I have ever had were at the George Hotel at Bridport, when I ate 40 beauties from Poole to celebrate my birthday,’ he writes. ‘It is unthinkable to cook oysters…a good oyster needs only a hint of lemon juice, good company and a hearty appetite. For fun.’

This is our review of Floyd on Fish.

Buying oysters

Two golden rules when buying oysters – trust your eyes and your nose. A healthy oyster will be firmly closed and will smell of nothing else other than the sea. If possible, weigh the oyster in your hand. If it feels heavy and full then you know you’re on to a good one.

Opening oysters

It’s going to be easier if I link you to a YouTube video of someone opening an oyster, than me attempting to explain how to do it. My advice is to take your time and invest in a good oyster shucker.


Available all-year round. My preference is to eat oysters in the winter months when the water is colder.


The latest Marine Conservation Society Good Fish Guide rating for the Pacific and rock oyster is here.