Seafish, the public body tasked with supporting the UK seafood sector, has released its 10 health benefits of eating seafood.

Seafish, the public body tasked with supporting the UK seafood sector, has released its 10 health benefits of eating seafood.
Seafish, the public body tasked with supporting the UK seafood sector, has released its 10 health benefits of eating seafood.
Have you ever noticed that your red mullet sometimes taste a little, well, different? If so, there may well be a very good reason for that.
A new study involving lifeguard records from a number of UK beaches of people experiencing weever fish stings is helping scientists learn more about impacts of the environment of coastal fish populations.
Once much maligned, the marvellous (if somewhat unfortunate-looking) monkfish is now hugely popular and features on the menus of restaurants up and down the country.
The 2024 Sustainable Tuna Yearbook reveals that consumers in the UK spent £408.5m on more than 61 tonnes of tuna products between June 2022 and 2023. With these vast figures in mind, Fish Face Seafood Blog decided it was time to take a closer look at the types of tuna available on the UK market.
“What is skate?” Asked the young girl standing in the queue in front of me at our local fish and chips shop. “It’s a type of flatfish,” replied her dad. Evidently, there’s a need for a beginner’s guide to skate – and here it is!
Walk into any restaurant, grab the menu and check out the price of any flatfish. Megrim sole, sand sole and plaice will be over £20, with lemon sole and Dover sole considerably more – and that’s not to mention brill and turbot. But where is the humble flounder?
A tale of weever woe not centred around a fiery foot, but rather a bland bouillabaisse.
With major tilapia supplier Regal Springs hailing the success of a six-month trial with British pub chain Greene King in using tilapia in its fish and chip meals we take a closer look at the pros and cons of this versatile, yet divisive fish.